Monday, December 31, 2007

you know this might prove W4NTI correct

All the things that Dan W4NTI complains to you about he does himself…. he practices what he complains about.

Oris N4CND to Riley 26 Mar ‘02

if ne accepts this asgiven then once could indeed claim that Dan truy knows of what he speaks

and afteer all the law does not truly punish murder it punishes being caught at it

Saturday, December 29, 2007

not a karol quote but one I class of a like nature

I never heard ssaw nor smelt an issue that was so dangerous it could not be talked about

Stephen Hopkins delate to 2nd contintal congress in voting to deabte VA resolution indenpendance jun 1776

alegedly the multiyear diatribe was started by my using the word "bisexaul" on the net

nothing is so dangerous it can't be tlaked about

Friday, December 28, 2007

And guess what else isn't happening on 14.275? Moron Canadians speaking Polish. Things are much better now. [Sure they are, ‘Rambo’! Be very careful what you wish for, Racist….]

Dan W4NTI in “The End Game” on 18 May ‘05

gee what is wrong with speaking polish on the air?

i hope these guy aren't listening when i use yiddish or even hebrewat times

Thursday, December 27, 2007

fruedian slip showing

I can make an informed opinion about disordered minds because I have [one].

Brian CROW subliminally about himself in his new Blog 19 Sep ’06 [which then quickly disparued]

some of Karols i truely do wonder if they are taken out of context this one I think is likely perfect

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

If you can believe this, someone has gotten into a gay porn site and used my email address. I've gotten over 100 of these activation emails asking me to click here to activate my account. Very strange. Who would do that? And the weird thing is...I'm not even gay.... [Again, three guesses and again, the 1st two don’t count.]

ToeJoe N9PH in “K1MAN and N9OGL…” on 20 Aug ‘07

Does anyone here know of any openly gay amateurs that frequent this website? Believe me, I'm OK with whatever people want to do, but I'm thinking I might be able to track down who spammed my email account if I started from a list slightly smaller than the universe. [Does quasi-openly gay count? Then try Brian CROW K3VR.]

ToeJoe N9PH in “K1MAN and N9OGL…” on 20 Aug ’07

Being openly BTW is not likely to be the best search paramter for ths sort of problem
look instead for the GAY bashers amazing how gay bashers always seem to seem have a colection of gay porn site esp sick ones

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Talking to onself...

Any nutcase can place information on the internet. In fact, they do it every day.

Tom N1FM subliminally talking about himself & buddy Brian ‘Psycho’ CROW K3VR in “3930 Trash” on 27 Nov ‘07

no just to Dan W4NTI

perhaps they are working on a defense runing something like "is this anyway to run a conspiracy?

interesting advice from Crow to Dloyd

Charlie… I hope you'll consider my advice to stop belittling newcomers…. Picking on others even in jest is no way to build cameraderie [sic] in the service. Likewise, sabotaging other people's interests and discussions is no way to make friends, here, or on the air. [Hypocrite!!!]

Brian K3VR in “Ever Wonder??” on 27 Aug ’07 [but see the next—‘do as I say, not as I do’, Brian.]

interesting read and excellent advice for Dloyd assuming for the moment he is not Crow himself

Friday, December 21, 2007

advice from BB that dloyd might want to read

Dan was suffering from delusion as to the nature of RRAP, he thought he had the right to control who replied to his posts here.

“hot-ham-and-cheese” in “When will Dan, W4NTI return to the asylum?” on 14 Nov ‘05

a lot of the real trouble making of RRAP seem to suffer the same problem but BB has noted that

or Dloyd might not

Monday, December 17, 2007

As usual, Karol Madera and his band of militant leftist homosexuals prance about the internet defaming innocents. [Brian & Co. are many things, but certainly NOT “innocents”. Note also the typical hyper/homo-sexual diction.]

Brian ‘The Innocent CROW’ K3VR posing as “Sophie” [my Mother’s name] on Rolville USA [“REDRUM the Innocents!”] ~20 Nov ’07

left wing? me boy is that a miss